The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



April 2nd, 2018

Privacy Regained

Rather than adding my voice to the chorus of the last few weeks, and months, and years, decrying issues of control and privacy lost via social media and search engines I’ll link instead to another voice, a straightforward post by Dylan Curran in which he graphically illustrates the data the Facebook and Google collect about each user.

May 19th, 2014

Google to Acquire Twitch for $1 Billion

Here’s BBC’s version of tonight’s news story about Google’s proposed $1 billion acquisition of Twitch; you can find many more stories of equally pricey deals during the last few years. (Amazon ended up buying Twitch in August 2014 for $970 million). There’s no point in pontificating about a new Internet bubble. The maneuvering of high…

September 16th, 2013

4,000 Tweets

The other night I noticed that I’d hit 4,000 tweets. Never thought I’d do it. I signed up for Twitter both reluctantly and cynically. I thought it was just a compressed means of notifying the world of what I’d had for breakfast. I already used Facebook to spread that important news. Now with three years…

July 16th, 2010

Tweeting from the Vasisthasana Position

I was speaking today with the chief executive of a new media technology/services company about some key enhancements to its offering (I’ll be blogging about them on Monday, the official announcement date). We were discussing how challenging it can be to get old media executives into new media positions. I said that while I wasn’t…