The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



September 16th, 2013

4,000 Tweets

The other night I noticed that I’d hit 4,000 tweets. Never thought I’d do it. I signed up for Twitter both reluctantly and cynically. I thought it was just a compressed means of notifying the world of what I’d had for breakfast. I already used Facebook to spread that important news. Now with three years…

May 29th, 2012

The Facebook Fiasco

This past few weeks have been a great eye-opener about Facebook, social media, and about the web as an ad-supported medium. It’s been just about as significant for IPOs and the VCs and investment bankers who conjure them.

July 31st, 2011

Airbnb and the Comfort of Strangers

“Travelling is a brutality. It forces you to trust strangers and to lose sight of all that familiar comfort of home and friends. You are constantly off balance. Nothing is yours except the essential things – air, sleep, dreams, the sea, the sky – all things tending towards the eternal or what we imagine of…