The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy

The Internet Generation Prefers the Real World

August 10th, 2010

The Internet Generation Prefers the Real World

How novel to imagine that youngsters aren’t novel. The title of this entry is an English translation of the name of a German article appearing on August 6 in Spiegel Online. I don’t read Der Spiegel, the largest German newsweekly, in German or in English. Fortunately my friend Bob McArthur does, and brought this to…

August 6th, 2010

Illustration, Comix & the Future of Publishing

Let’s start with the fun stuff. Then the dry commentary. Check out two visual cornua copiae (or, as you might have it [and as I had it until I looked it up], “cornucopias“): 1.   (take some time in his galleries…A LOL experience guaranteed, or your time cheerfully refunded.)  2. (That’s just one example…

July 27th, 2010

Google Converses With Spam

My favorite moment with Google Gmail is when I go to my Spam folder for a quick glance before deleting, to make sure the coast is clear. Often I’ll find a message or two that does not belong there. I wonder how many I miss. But it’s worth the effort if only to revisit one…

July 23rd, 2010

E-books Just Want To Be Free

I’ve known about the excellent Project Gutenberg for a long time now. It was founded in 1971 by Michael Hart and is the oldest digital library. I hadn’t been back to the site for several years because in my mind it was still the place where all you could download was ASCII text versions of…

July 16th, 2010

Tweeting from the Vasisthasana Position

I was speaking today with the chief executive of a new media technology/services company about some key enhancements to its offering (I’ll be blogging about them on Monday, the official announcement date). We were discussing how challenging it can be to get old media executives into new media positions. I said that while I wasn’t…