October 19th, 2011
Ever since the New York Times discovered that Amazon.com has 122 new books in the works the blogosphere is filled with shrill cries that Amazon as a publisher threatens publishing. Wrong. That’s not the trouble with Amazon – Amazon as a book publisher is neither here nor there.
June 22nd, 2011
In The Wall Street Journal today the ever-reliable Walt Mossberg reviews the first Google Chrome computers. Of course the first version ain’t very good, and they really screwed up on the pricing. But it is the future (or part of it, anyway).
February 7th, 2011
Communication is as challenging as it ever was. The exchange was prompted by a post on Dan Gillmor’s excellent journalism blog on Salon.com. When I saw Dan on the Mac version I did the requisite Google search for an answer and got the usual spam-filled and out-of-date search results. Like David Pogue at the New…
January 26th, 2011
…you can finish the sentence above. What does a publisher (or more likely the editor working for the publisher) do after s/he discovers that they are not infallible?
December 5th, 2010
Part of why the glass is more than half-full at The Future of Publishing: Xtranormal. If you can type, you can make movies…a very nifty site. I was going to make you a nice movie to prove it, but one runs into payment demands very quickly: The default actors and set for any Showpak (i.e. those…