June 26th, 2009
I’m encountering an increasing volume of commentary on blogs and in news analysis that newspaper and other periodical publishers are now searching for a workable method to start charging for all the content they’ve been giving away for the past decade+. Content may wish to be free, but publishers are determinedly searching for handcuffs or…
May 25th, 2009
The title of this blog is the same as one appearing today on Chris Brogan’s thoughtful blog. After a brief intro he offers the following: The Next Media Company Manifesto Here’s what I believe might (emphasis mine) need to be true about the next media company: Stories are points in time, but won’t end at…
May 15th, 2009
As I’ve pointed out elsewhere, there are no shortage of pundits on the future of publishing, in all its forms. It is a cluttered field, and unless you can devote all day, every day, to their utterances, you’re going to miss some great blogs entries, and a ton of dross. Most focus on more limited…
May 12th, 2009
Samir “Mr. Magazine” Husni and Bob Sacks are the two leading eminences grise(s) of the magazines and newspapers publishing industries. But neither are gray in their outlook: both have refreshingly positive attitudes as to where things are heading. Dr. Husni’s recent blog entry, “37 good things I have learned from the 37th FIPP World Magazine…
April 20th, 2009
Like most of my friends and family, I was dimly aware of Susan Boyle last week from stories I was ignoring in various media. Then while reading the Saturday New York Times I stumbled upon “Unlikely Singer Is YouTube Sensation,” and finally got a handle on what all the fuss was about. I watched the…