The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



August 6th, 2010

Illustration, Comix & the Future of Publishing

Let’s start with the fun stuff. Then the dry commentary. Check out two visual cornua copiae (or, as you might have it [and as I had it until I looked it up], “cornucopias“): 1.   (take some time in his galleries…A LOL experience guaranteed, or your time cheerfully refunded.)  2. (That’s just one example…

December 13th, 2009

Color of the Year for 2010: Turquoise!

I’ve been traveling the last 8 days or so and have not been blogging. I wanted to weigh in with SOMETHING, anything, to reassure those few who are concerned that I’ve not abandoned the battle. I’ve actually got a slew of topics to cover in the days ahead, but thought I’d start light. For years…