The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



May 15th, 2010

Privacy, Facebook and the Future of Publishing

The issue of privacy, confidentiality, identity theft and…what else am I forgetting…has been haunting the public since long before the web. The web’s capacity to amass truly vast amounts of identifiable personal information, both on a voluntary basis and on a surreptitious one, has greatly heightened concern about these issues. A number of stupid, careless and…

May 2nd, 2010

A (Very) Short History of YouTube

In a post last week on Mashable, Stan Schroeder reminds us that the first video uploaded to YouTube was on April 23, 2005. “The video is titled ‘Me at the zoo,’ he noted. “It was shot by Yakov Lapitsky and it’s only 19 seconds long, showing one of YouTube’s founders, Jawed Karim, at the San…

April 28th, 2010

A Day Without Media

Does this lede catch your attention (posted April 22nd): What is is like to go without media? What if you had to give up your cell phone, iPod, television, car radio, magazines, newspapers and computer (i.e. no texting, no Facebook or IM-ing)? Could you do it?  Is it even possible? Well, not really, if you…

February 20th, 2010

The Future of Interactive Marketing

If you’re at all like me, you find yourself very pleasantly surprised when you download a whitepaper, research report or promo brochure from the website of a for-profit organization and it actually has content worth thinking about and passing along to others. I’ve been remissing in failing to blog about teamDigital’s very fine “PROMOTIONS 2.0: The…