February 23rd, 2011
Last evening I wrote to a colleague who runs a regional association of trade book publishers. I thought I would share the letter: Hi xxx, I thought of you when I read this just now in today’s Wall Street Journal: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703529004576160421561955208.html I think it’s a very good article just because it presents the unvarnished truth…
February 11th, 2011
(The title of this post is inspired by one of my favorite books of cartoons by one of my favorite New Yorker cartoonists, George Booth: Think Good Thoughts About a Pussycat.) I’ve been using Adobe’s Acrobat technology forever, and I’m a huge fan of the underlying technology. The user-facing software, however, stinks. It’s the same problem that you find in Microsoft…
February 7th, 2011
Communication is as challenging as it ever was. The exchange was prompted by a post on Dan Gillmor’s excellent journalism blog on Salon.com. When I saw Dan on the Mac version I did the requisite Google search for an answer and got the usual spam-filled and out-of-date search results. Like David Pogue at the New…
January 26th, 2011
…you can finish the sentence above. What does a publisher (or more likely the editor working for the publisher) do after s/he discovers that they are not infallible?
January 24th, 2011
1. Read the article in today’s New York Times. It’s about a remarkable new structure in Miami’s South Beach. 2. Go to the new building’s web site, and click on this graphic: 3. After the well-designed flash images flash by, take time to interact with every graphic you can click on. Unlike so many sites that feature…