The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



February 2nd, 2010

A Look at the Apple Hype Machine

Steve Job is considered one of the great showmen in the business (showpersons?), and the reputation is, I think, well-deserved. I’ve watched him live many times, and saw that the secret of his success on stage is no accidental talent. As one first hand, in-depth article points out, in U.K.’s The Guardian: Steve starts his…

January 27th, 2010

New iPad is a Large iPhone

…except that you can’t use it as a phone (not out of the box, at any rate). And it’s not really a computer, because it runs on the iPhone OS. So yes, as Steve Jobs pointed out, there are currently 140,000 applications for that OS, but most of them are better described as “applets” rather…

September 2nd, 2009

Nokia Shows its First Netbook

There isn’t a whole lot of data on this ZDNet posting, but the news is larger than the data. Nokia is showing (off) its first netbook, the Booklet 3G, at a trade show in Germany. Here’s what I don’t care about the announcement: there are lots of competing netbooks on the market already most are…