June 13th, 2012
Trying to make a book truly discoverable can lead authors and publishers toward a world of pain. It’s not so much how do you find a needle in a haystack. It’s why would you even bother. “Findability” is the kinder, gentler problem. How do you find a needle in a haystack? As it happens, the haystack has…
February 7th, 2011
Communication is as challenging as it ever was. The exchange was prompted by a post on Dan Gillmor’s excellent journalism blog on Salon.com. When I saw Dan on the Mac version I did the requisite Google search for an answer and got the usual spam-filled and out-of-date search results. Like David Pogue at the New…
July 27th, 2010
My favorite moment with Google Gmail is when I go to my Spam folder for a quick glance before deleting, to make sure the coast is clear. Often I’ll find a message or two that does not belong there. I wonder how many I miss. But it’s worth the effort if only to revisit one…
April 27th, 2010
A very interesting article on corporate branding by Al Ries from AdAge, spotted by Bob Sacks today, points to a factoid that took me by surprise. I think most of us see Google as still an unstoppable tech monster that will continue to devour all competitors. Apparently not: Here are year-over-previous-year revenue growth rates for…
August 30th, 2009
A little bit of a levity as befits a Sunday blog entry, albeit about a serious issue, computer security. On August 25th McAfee released its third annual report on the most dangerous celebrities to search for online. (McAfee, Inc. “is the world’s largest dedicated security technology company.”) The big problem is that if you follow…