The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



October 8th, 2009

Beware What You Share, You Will Get #twaxed A fun site discovered today that clearly points to the downside of Tweeting. (1-1-2012 – now gone) According to the FAQ: Why is my Tweet on Your Tweet got #twaxed because it is absurdly ridiculous, completely inappropriate, or highly entertaining. What is this site? With your help, we post and then rank the…

September 30th, 2009

Order Takeout Online — Just For the Fun of It!

I’m not sure it’s going to overtake surfing for porn, but bravo for the effort! White Spot is a treasured family restaurant here in British Columbia. Used to be downscale, now semi-upscale. Which is to say, having tried it recently, I can’t imagine why you’d eat there, let alone go to the web for takeout….

September 13th, 2009

It’s Time to Play CHEESE or font

What fun: a chance to play a game where you test your knowledge of the names of cheeses and the names of fonts. A tip for new players: you don’t need to go back to the home page to start a new game. As you can see in the illustration above, the next name appears…

September 7th, 2009

Meet Mr. Twitters — This Week Only

In this week’s online The New Yorker there’s a great Ros Chast cartoon called “Meet Mr. Twitters.” You’ll find it also at the link above, along with 16 others, and the usual generous selection of free content from the current issue (with some kept behind the firewall to encourage subscriptions). I can only leave this…

September 4th, 2009

Bright Moments in the Future of Publishing

I’m often accused by friend and foe alike of being inherently a pessimist, and often think that this must color my thinking and hence my writing on this website. I’ll always recall my father, somewhat depressed towards the end of his life, offering me the sage advice: “Son, you’ll often hear people say that things…