The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



April 16th, 2009

The Publishing Crisis Moves Down the Food Chain

A front page story on most North American newspapers (and certainly all Canadian ones) is that AbitibiBowater, the world’s biggest newsprint producer (40% marketshare) has filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States and plans to file for similar protection in Montreal on Friday. According to the report in the (Toronto) Globe & Mail, “U.S….

April 9th, 2009

Encyclopaedia Britannica Goes All Wiki

Received this email April 4th: Britannica Online Subscription Dear Thad McIlroy, Encyclopaedia Britannica Online has just introduced a new program that makes it possible for you as a reader and subscriber to contribute edits, revisions, and suggestions to the encyclopedia. It also gives you credit, by name, for any contribution you submit that’s accepted by…

April 9th, 2009

Media Moguls

An excellent article, disguised as a book review, in the current New Yorker by the always well-informed Nicholas Lemann, called “Paper Tigers” and subtitled: “What Media Moguls Make.” It’s a great precis of the careers of the likes of Pulitzer and Hearst, and up to the present, Murdoch. The final paragraph does tug at one’s…

April 9th, 2009

Calligraphy and the Future of Publishing, Part II

Last night I wrote to the calligrapher featured in my previous entry: Dear Mr. Karimaei, PLEASE do let me know if I’ve posted it incorrectly! Today I received the response from Mr. Karimaei: “I write another two your name’s script in two style of Persian Calligraphy that you can replace in the previous script because…