The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



February 20th, 2010

The Future of Interactive Marketing

If you’re at all like me, you find yourself very pleasantly surprised when you download a whitepaper, research report or promo brochure from the website of a for-profit organization and it actually has content worth thinking about and passing along to others. I’ve been remissing in failing to blog about teamDigital’s very fine “PROMOTIONS 2.0: The…

February 2nd, 2010

A Look at the Apple Hype Machine

Steve Job is considered one of the great showmen in the business (showpersons?), and the reputation is, I think, well-deserved. I’ve watched him live many times, and saw that the secret of his success on stage is no accidental talent. As one first hand, in-depth article points out, in U.K.’s The Guardian: Steve starts his…