The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy

The Wall Street Journal Supports Bigotry

August 11th, 2010

The Wall Street Journal Supports Bigotry

from <> to,,,,,, date Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 2:48 PM subject Cancel subscription immediately To Editors and Managements of The Wall Street Journal, I have valued your paper for decades, and faithfully subscribed online for perhaps ten years. It was always expensive but I did not…

August 10th, 2010

The Internet Generation Prefers the Real World

How novel to imagine that youngsters aren’t novel. The title of this entry is an English translation of the name of a German article appearing on August 6 in Spiegel Online. I don’t read Der Spiegel, the largest German newsweekly, in German or in English. Fortunately my friend Bob McArthur does, and brought this to…

August 6th, 2010

Illustration, Comix & the Future of Publishing

Let’s start with the fun stuff. Then the dry commentary. Check out two visual cornua copiae (or, as you might have it [and as I had it until I looked it up], “cornucopias“): 1.   (take some time in his galleries…A LOL experience guaranteed, or your time cheerfully refunded.)  2. (That’s just one example…