The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



August 6th, 2010

Illustration, Comix & the Future of Publishing

Let’s start with the fun stuff. Then the dry commentary. Check out two visual cornua copiae (or, as you might have it [and as I had it until I looked it up], “cornucopias“): 1.   (take some time in his galleries…A LOL experience guaranteed, or your time cheerfully refunded.)  2. (That’s just one example…

October 24th, 2008

Wikipedia and the Meaning of Truth

In the November/December issue of the marvelous MIT Technology Review is a very fine article by the respected author and professor of computer science, Simson Garfinkel on the ever-controversial subject of what can we expect and trust from Wikipedia. The topic has been a challenge for some time, mainly pitting the Encyclopedia Britannica, that most…