The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



April 7th, 2009

Twitter Use Exploding

In a March 18th blog entry on titled “Twitter’s Tweet Smell Of Success,” the full extent of Twitter’s astounding growth is vividly illustrated. As you’ll see in the chart below, while Facebook dwarfs Twitter in total unique monthly visitors, it is now growing at a sixth of Twitter’s rate. Still, going from 20m unique…

April 1st, 2009

The Secret of Twitter Revealed!

Yes, the secret of Twitter’s remarkable success can be found in an article in this morning’s USA Today. Unemployed Jason Hirshborn states, “I love the idea of telling people what I’m thinking without having to talk to them,” he says. But, as he points out, it’s a two-way street: “I’m able to ingest a lot…