The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



August 11th, 2009

A Moveable Book

I offered what follows to my colleagues at Geist this evening for its Endnotes section. The Endnotes are generally intended to review books, films or occasionally music, and at Geist follow some very strict rules, most importantly, a word count of about 350. This entry more than doubles the count. So if it is accepted, it…

August 10th, 2009

Do I Love Books or Do I Love Reading?

“Do I love books or do I love reading?” is the question posed by Ann Kirshner in her thoughtful and well-written article on The Chronicle of Higher Education web site. Kirshner writes: “When my book group picked Little Dorrit, I found myself asking that question….I decided to read Little Dorrit four ways: paperback, audiobook, Kindle, and…

July 9th, 2009

Awful Library Books

My friend Wendy brought this fun site to my attention: thank you. The About the Site description begins: is a collection of the worst library holdings. The items featured here are so old, obsolete, awful or just plain stupid that we are horrified that people might be actually checking these items out and depending…