The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



May 7th, 2008

Print is not a Burden: Useless Drivel is the Burden

An article appeared on May 5th in the New York Times called “Publisher Tested the Waters Online, Then Dove In.” In glowing terms, it recounts the apparently amazing transformation of media giant IDG from primarily a print-based magazine publisher to an online publisher. The article moved quickly onto the Times‘ most-read and most-blogged list (today…

May 5th, 2008

Are Magazines now a Luxury Item?

This blog entry complements my last entry on magazines (May 2nd). The information came to me by a circuitous route. Bob Sacks, aka “BoSacks” “a veteran of the printing/publishing industry since 1970” (primarily the magazine industry), issues an iconoclastic email newsletter, and does so thrice daily (!), most of which focuses on the magazine industry,…

May 2nd, 2008

MagaBrands and Online Content

I somehow missed this interesting development last October, but it’s well worth getting it on the record here. The annual American Magazine Conference was held October 28-30, 2007. As stated on the Magazine Publishers Association (MPA) site promoting the conference: “Our theme this year is ‘The MagaBrand Revolution: How Media Brands are Finding Success on…

April 29th, 2008

No Snacking Between Books Please!

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little weary of all the Amazon-generated hype about the Kindle, its proprietary eBook reader (described by Amazon as a “revolutionary wireless reading device [emphasis mine]). We’re told incessantly how “visionary,”exceptional,” and, yes, “revolutionary” this little device is, but we’re not told why (with regard to features…

April 28th, 2008

Not a Cat

Given its stuffy name, The Economist, and its stuffy image as a turgid journal featuring dry analysis of economics and politics, I find this publication a remarkable source of data for many of the entries on this site. Being The Economist it is generally authoritative without being windy. Economist writers (never identified with a byline…