The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



June 25th, 2008

A More Solid Bet for Amazon

According to a press release on’s Web site today, the online seller announced the acquisition of, a leading online fabric store that offers custom measured and cut fabrics, as well as patterns, sewing tools and accessories.   This acquisition will enable “ to further expand its selection of fabrics and accessories while enabling to offer its customers…

June 20th, 2008

FedEx Kills Kinko’s Brand

In today’s edition of PrintAction‘s weekly newsletter, I found the headline: FEDEX KILLS KINKO’S BRAND. I had read this elsewhere, but had not previously encountered the embittered remarks of the company founder, Paul Orfalea. I could paraphrase the accompanying article, but as I’m a contributing writer to the publication, I hope that editor Jon Robinson…