June 5th, 2013
The 20th anniversary issue of Wired magazine is a digital education, perhaps the best one I know. Self-congratulatory anniversary issues tend to be flaccid stuff, but this one is chock-a-block full of goodies, many by they-were-there journalists. I enjoyed the issue first as a trip down memory lane. Wired magazine, particularly in its first few years, deeply influenced my understanding and…
June 2nd, 2013
In my last post I offered a brief look at publishing training as offered through Masters of Publishing courses, in particular, the Simon Fraser University (SFU) MPub course. The Passive Voice blog linked to the post which in turn coaxed out a few interesting comments.
May 14th, 2013
The courses that convey traditional publishing knowledge are well-established. They’re mainly the Masters of Publishing courses at various universities around the U.S., Canada and the U.K. They’ve been turning out employable graduates for years now, women and men well-versed in publishing as we’ve understood it in the modern era. With the pace of change now so rapid…
May 12th, 2013
After a vague but vaguely credible report earlier this week from TechCrunch there’s no end to the discussion about whether Microsoft really intends to purchase the portion of Nook Media still held by Barnes & Noble and what that could mean to both companies.
May 9th, 2013
On day two of the Music Industry Metadata & Information Summit held in Los Angeles this week (run by NARM and DigitalMusic.org) Rob Weitzner laid it on the line in evoking the ever-elusive appeal of metadata. “Metadata is sexy,” he said. “because if you get paid, that’s sexy.”