August 10th, 2010
How novel to imagine that youngsters aren’t novel. The title of this entry is an English translation of the name of a German article appearing on August 6 in Spiegel Online. I don’t read Der Spiegel, the largest German newsweekly, in German or in English. Fortunately my friend Bob McArthur does, and brought this to…
August 4th, 2009
One of the continuing controversies we all face as the Web becomes our primary tool for news, knowledge, reference…indeed for all forms of information, is determining the quality of the information published on the Web. The topic arises frequently in articles and blog entries. Much of the controversy has been associated with Wikipedia. Wikipedia has…
April 9th, 2009
Received this email April 4th: Britannica Online Subscription Dear Thad McIlroy, Encyclopaedia Britannica Online has just introduced a new program that makes it possible for you as a reader and subscriber to contribute edits, revisions, and suggestions to the encyclopedia. It also gives you credit, by name, for any contribution you submit that’s accepted by…
October 24th, 2008
In the November/December issue of the marvelous MIT Technology Review is a very fine article by the respected author and professor of computer science, Simson Garfinkel on the ever-controversial subject of what can we expect and trust from Wikipedia. The topic has been a challenge for some time, mainly pitting the Encyclopedia Britannica, that most…