July 4th, 2010
The release of Apple’s iPhone 4G has become a midsummer blockbuster. No vampires — just out of control electronics, deceitful software, and scary artificial limbs. It started as a winner… But a problem fixed became a problem created… And of course the lawsuits start flying left and right. Suddenly Steve Jobs generates one of his infamous…
July 1st, 2010
I was reading David Pogue’s always-interesting Thursday New York Times personal technology column, which yesterday was in two parts. The second discusses new mobile phone software called Swype. According to Pogue “It’s a new way to enter text, invented expressly for touchscreen phones…. When you use Swype, you see what looks like a standard onscreen keyboard….
May 16th, 2010
Missed this gem by Canadian comedian Rick Moranis in Friday’s New York Times.
April 20th, 2010
While reading YAP (Yet Another Piece) on what magazines must do to survive the changes in digital technology, radically titled “Magazines Require Innovation, Experiments in Digital and Print” (no, really?), I did manage to get a chuckle out of the accompanying online reader poll (scroll to the end of the article). The question asked is…
January 27th, 2010
When we evaluate new technology I believe that the key equation is “push or pull.” It is the rare new technology product released to the public where the reaction is an immediate: “I want that.” I suppose Facebook and Twitter are recent examples of “I want that” being a very common refrain. It certainly didn’t…