The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



September 15th, 2007

The Strength of the Canadian Economy

The Canadian dollar, after many years trading as low as 62 cents on the American dollar, has now reached a point of near-parity: closing just above 97 cents yesterday. In an article in the Globe and Mail, BMO Nesbitt Burns deputy chief economist Douglas Porter said “The latest run in the Loonie has been fuelled…

July 31st, 2007

The Adobe-FedEx/Kinko’s Non-Event

Many of you will have by now heard of Adobe’s great gaffe in the Acrobat 8.1 of licensing FedEx/Kinko’s to add a little button to the Acrobat toolbar making in a no-brainer for users to send their output files to that large and well-respected chain of, dare I say it, “quick printers” The button can…

June 25th, 2007

It Ain’t Heavy, It’s My e-Book!

My current section on e-books (from way back on May 1) expresses many of my misgivings over their genesis and development. I also took note of their apparent impending return. Since then there’s a ton of data (mostly press releases of course) to suggest that a more important comeback is afoot, greater than I had…

May 31st, 2007

There’s Excitement in the Air!

Is there a full moon? For some reason tonight’s news is packed with fascinating technology developments. I subscribe to the TED website, which very generously allows mere mortals who can’t find the time (or afford the price of admission) to experience much of what takes place at this extraordinary conference. Tonight an email from the…