The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



July 10th, 2009

It’s Hard to Ignore Dancing Babies

The Wall Street Journal Digits blog reports today on the tremendous success of “Evian’s new advertising campaign, which has taken off on YouTube, thanks to a troupe of infants breakdancing and roller-skating across the screen. The campaign, called ‘Live Young,’ broke last week and has gotten more than 2.8 million views on YouTube in the…

July 9th, 2009

Awful Library Books

My friend Wendy brought this fun site to my attention: thank you. The About the Site description begins: is a collection of the worst library holdings. The items featured here are so old, obsolete, awful or just plain stupid that we are horrified that people might be actually checking these items out and depending…

July 9th, 2009

A Diagram that “Speaks for Itself”

One of the great features of blogging is where what appears to be a single entry is in fact a combination of two, or, in this case, of three different “articles.” My Google newsfeed directed me tonight to an interesting blog entry by literary agent Kristin Nelson titled “Is Publishing Just About To Be Disrupted?”…