August 10th, 2009
“Do I love books or do I love reading?” is the question posed by Ann Kirshner in her thoughtful and well-written article on The Chronicle of Higher Education web site. Kirshner writes: “When my book group picked Little Dorrit, I found myself asking that question….I decided to read Little Dorrit four ways: paperback, audiobook, Kindle, and…
August 7th, 2009
A cute article in today’s Wall Street Journal brought me to the site The About section includes: People tell me everyday “it’s tough to keep up with all of this new technology!” I tell them “you’re not alone!” It used to be that understanding the Internet was only for computer professionals and web design…
August 4th, 2009
One of the continuing controversies we all face as the Web becomes our primary tool for news, knowledge, reference…indeed for all forms of information, is determining the quality of the information published on the Web. The topic arises frequently in articles and blog entries. Much of the controversy has been associated with Wikipedia. Wikipedia has…
July 27th, 2009
You’re all in luck. Today’s issue of The New Yorker features a very fine article by the excellent writer Nicholson Baker on the Amazon Kindle. Titled “A New Page: Can the Kindle Really Improve on the Book?”, this article is certainly the best-written I’ve seen yet on this overly- and endlessly-discussed subject, as well as…
July 24th, 2009
I don’t watch television so have to rely on surfing the Web to find fun things that are broadcast on TV. Seems a bit roundabout, no? At any rate, I caught this fun snippet of Kevin Spacey explaining Twitter to David Letterman, and offering some advice on the etiquette of tweeting. Meanwhile the New York…