December 29th, 2009
I found an intriguing employment ad while catching up in my reading of The Economist. The World Bank in Washington has four challenging openings for publishing technologists, including: Senior Publishing Officer/Marketing Manager Publishing Officer/Electronic Publishing Development/Content Expert Publishing Officer/Electronic Publishing Development/Technical Expert Publishing Associate/Web Editor/Project Manager Except for job #4, which is defined as a…
December 19th, 2009
Gosh I do write an awful lot about eBooks, but it is the flavor-of-the-year, not just for book publishers of course, but for readers (and publishers) everywhere. Always controversial, it never fails to “make good copy,” as they used to say in the newspaper business. O’Reilly, the company; Tim O’Reilly, the founder; Andrew Savikas, a…
December 15th, 2009
The IDPF (International Digital Publishing Forum) has released its October sales figures and the records continue to be broken. As noted in an email to IDPF members: eBook sales statistics for October 2009 have been released from the Association of American Publishers (AAP) who collects these statistics in conjunction with the IDPF. Trade eBook sales…
December 14th, 2009
I’m getting excited because tomorrow Adobe is webcasting its 4th quarter and year-end results (it’s all public and you can register here), and, as expected, because the Omniture acquisition closed in the fourth quarter, we should get some initial insights into how the acquisition is progressing. There’s no question that these are VERY early days,…
December 13th, 2009
I’ve been traveling the last 8 days or so and have not been blogging. I wanted to weigh in with SOMETHING, anything, to reassure those few who are concerned that I’ve not abandoned the battle. I’ve actually got a slew of topics to cover in the days ahead, but thought I’d start light. For years…