The Future Of Publishing Blog by Thad McIlroy



December 23rd, 2008

Does the Kindle Set Fire to Books?

Gosh am I slow on the uptake! Here I am in an unseasonably cold Vancouver, BC winter, each night placing kindling under the larger fire logs to ensure they’ll ignite. I just looked for a definition of kindle and find “kindled – ignited: set afire; ‘the ignited paper’; ‘a kindled fire.’” So is that the…

April 29th, 2008

No Snacking Between Books Please!

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a little weary of all the Amazon-generated hype about the Kindle, its proprietary eBook reader (described by Amazon as a “revolutionary wireless reading device [emphasis mine]). We’re told incessantly how “visionary,”exceptional,” and, yes, “revolutionary” this little device is, but we’re not told why (with regard to features…