September 8th, 2009
I’ve updated the environmentalism section of my site, prompted by a well-thought-out entry by Richard Romano on the Print CEO blog, called “How Green Is My Media?” If you follow this trail further you’ll learn that print is being tarnished with a stiff brush, essentially stating that it is the source of most or allof…
July 27th, 2009
You’re all in luck. Today’s issue of The New Yorker features a very fine article by the excellent writer Nicholson Baker on the Amazon Kindle. Titled “A New Page: Can the Kindle Really Improve on the Book?”, this article is certainly the best-written I’ve seen yet on this overly- and endlessly-discussed subject, as well as…
July 14th, 2009
There’s an interesting article in yesterday’s Wall Street Journal called “Publisher Delays E-Book Amid Debate on Pricing.” Upon first read, or for those not immersed in the issues surrounding the retailing of eBooks on Amazon, it sounds like no big deal. The article starts with: A leading independent publisher is saying no to the e-book…
July 12th, 2009
One of the ongoing hot-topics in the eBook reader debate centers around the perceived need for eBook readers to be able to display color images in a user-acceptable fashion. epapercentral reports on one of the most recent attempts to tackle the challenge (there are many others, at various stages of development). According to the report,…
May 23rd, 2009
To find out the inside scoop on stories like that reported in my previous blog entry, I’m now subscribing to Publishers Lunch Deluxe newsletter, which I receive as part of a $20/month membership to Publishers Marketplace. Thus far I’m finding it to be of excellent value for my research and understanding of what’s happening in…