I list my books and reports on a separate page.
Most of my writing appears on this site. These are articles published elsewhere, including Publishers Weekly and Publishing Research Quarterly.
- Book Publishing Startups in the U.S. 2022, Publishers Weekly, November 18, 2022.
- Frankfurt Spotlight: How Book Publishing Startups Have Fared, Publishers Weekly, October 17, 2022.
- Ingram Backs Book.io, a NFT Book Marketplace, Publishers Weekly, October 17, 2022.
- Is TikTok the Future of Book Marketing?, Publishers Weekly, June 6, 2022.
- AI Comes to Audiobooks, Publishers Weekly, November 1, 2021.
- The Best Books About Book Publishing, Publishers Weekly, August 16, 2021.
- COVID-19 and Book Publishing: Impacts and Insights for 2021, Publishing Research Quarterly, February, 2021.
- How Covid-19 Will Change Publishing, Publishers Weekly, January 22, 2021.
- Dear Book Biz: The Devil’s in the Metadata, Publishers Weekly, August 28, 2020.
- The SUM of Metadata for Publishers, Publishers Weekly, March 27, 2020.
- Pondering the State of Digital Publishing, Publishers Weekly, January 24, 2020.
- Getting the Mueller Report Right, Publishers Weekly, July 19, 2019.
- Moving Metadata From How to Why, Publishers Weekly, February 15, 2019.
- Where Do You Go Next? Publishers Weekly Frankfurt Show Daily, October 10, 2018.
- Let’s Make Metadata Great Again, Publishers Weekly, October 8, 2018.
- Startups Within the U.S. Book Publishing Industry, Publishing Research Quarterly, Spring 2017.
- Ebook formats are a mess – here’s why, Learned Publishing, October 2012.
- A Consumer’s Guide: Forecasting Futurism in the Age of Information Glut, Strategic News Service, February, 2012
- Four Disadvantages for Barnes & Noble in the Bookseller Wars, Digital Book World, January 13, 2012
- What’s Really Going on at Barnes & Noble, Digital Book World, January 6, 2012
- Seven Advantages Barnes & Noble Has in the Bookseller Wars, Digital Book World, January 3, 2012
- Digitize This Book: The Politics of New Media or Why We Need Open Access Now, book review in Learned Publishing, April, 2010
- The Brave New World of Publishing: The Symbiotic Relationship Between Printing and Book Publishing, book review in Learned Publishing, April, 2010
- The Rapid Denoument of the Vancouver Olympics, Geist blog, March 9, 2010
- Report the Suspicious, Geist, Issue 75
- Adobe’s Curious Acquisition, PrintAction, December, 2009
- Newspaper Industry Ad Revenue at 1965 Levels, PrintAction, August, 2009
- Steve Jobs and the Future of Apple Computer, PrintAction, December, 2008
- Acrobat 9: A Child Grows Up, PrintAction, September, 2008 (reprinted on AcrobatUsers.com)
- Trial By Water, Geist, Spring, 2008
- The Quark Dynamic Publishing System, The Seybold Report, April 6, 2008
- News From XML 2007, The Seybold Report, January 10, 2008
- Harry Potter and the Sustainable Forest, The Seybold Report, August 9, 2007
- HP Unveils Print 2.0 — A New Era for Printing, Gilbane Group Blog, June, 2007
- Thomson Le
arning Sold for Big Bucks!, Gilbane Group Blog, May, 2007
- The Negroponte Laptop, Gilbane Group Blog, April, 2007
- Is Adobe Really Going to Mars?, Gilbane Group Blog, March, 2007
- Moving JDF Upstream, PrintAction, February 2007
- Not All Newspapers Are Suffering, Gilbane Group Blog, February 27, 2007
- Usurious Association, Gilbane Group Blog, February 9, 2007
- The PDF ISO Standard, Gilbane Group Blog, February 27, 2007
- Overpriced Acrobat Upgrade, PrintAction, November 2006 & PlanetPDF, November 2006
- eBooks Return (again), Gilbane Group Blog, October 31, 2006
- Acrobat Still Suffering from Schizophrenia, Gilbane Group Blog, September 19, 2006
- Realities of Job Jackets and JDF, PrintAction, September 2006
- Q&A with Thad McIlroy (by Teri Tan), Publishers Weekly, July 31, 2006
- The Importance of QuarkXPress 7.0, Gilbane Group Blog, May 25, 2006
- The Hazards of Island Hopping, PrintAction, March 2006
- The Impact of Internet Advertising on Printing, PrintAction, August 2005
- Microsoft Takes on the World, PrintAction, June 2005
- Microsoft Metro Takes on the World, creativepro.com, June, 2005
- Adobe & Macromedia, Gilbane Group Blog, April 19, 2005
Inside Adobe Macromedia, PrintAction, April 2005
- Adobe Suite Offers Second Take on Integration, Printing Impressions, April 2005
- Seybold San Francisco 2004, PrintAction, October 2004
- The New World of Offshoring and Automation, Printing Impressions, October 2004
- Tackling the Workflow Challenge, Printing Impressions, August 2004
- The Real Meaning of Drupa 2004, PrintAction, June 2004
- The Next Stage in Composition, Printing Impressions, April 2004
- Attack Plan 2004, PrintAction, March 2004
- The Problem of Print, PrintAction, March 2004
- The Future of Publishing, PrintAction, March 2004
- Cross-Media in QuarkXPress and Adobe InDesign, Printing Impressions, February 2004
- XSL-FO: Ready for Prime Time? (PDF), The Gilbane Report, Vol. 11, No. 10, January 24, 2004
- Let’s Move Forward Quickly, Printing Impressions, December 2003
- Hollywood Confronts the Digital Revolution, Printing Impressions, October 2003
- Whatever Happened to Cross-Media Publishing?, The Bulletin: Seybold News and Views on Electronic Publishing, September 10, 2003
- Leveraging the Internet, Printing Impressions, August 2003
- Whatever Happened to Cross-Media Publishing?, Printing Impressions, June 2003
- Fools and Their Foolproof Workflows, Printing Impressions, April 2003
- PDF Generators Weigh In, Printing Impressions, February 2003
- PDF Progress Report, Printing Impressions, December 2002
- Watching the Sun Set?, Printing Impressions, September 2002
- The “Real” Power of Print, Printing Impressions, June 2002
- New Print Campaign Is Fatally Flawed, Printing Impressions, April 2002
- Concerns With Cross-Media Dealings, Printing Impressions, September 2001
In Search of PrintTalk and JDF, Printing Impressions, June 2001.
- How Important Is Acrobat 5?, Printing Impressions, April 2001.
- Providing Network Publishing Services: A Future Role for Printing and Prepress, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), March/April 2001.
- Attack Plan 2001, PrintAction, March 2001.
- Answering the Critics, Printing Impressions, February 2001.
- Moving to Network Publishing, Printing Impressions, December 2000.
- The NPSP Challenge, The Bulletin: Seybold News and Views on Electronic Publishing, December 13, 2000
- The (Hidden) Meaning of DRUPA, Printing Impressions, August 2000.
- QuarkXPress and InDesign Battle it Out, Printing Impressions, May 2000.
- What is XML, and Why Should You Care?, Printing Impressions, March 2000.
- Are We in Worse Shape than Anyone Thinks?, Printing Impressions, January 2000.
- Seybold Announcements Were Aplenty, Printing Impressions, November 1999.
- Print Buying on the Web, Printing Impressions, September 1999.
- Print Production Managers Must Become Content Managers, Printing Impressions, June 1999
- Winning Battles, Losing Wars, Printing Impressions, April 1999.
- Publisher’s Newsletter Pays Tribute to Printer, Printing Impressions, March 1999.
- The Digital Workflow’s Future is Complex, eMediaWeekly, 2/01/99.
- Print is on a Collision Course with the Web, eMediaWeekly, 1/04/99.
- You Can Learn a Lot from a Friday Quickie, eMediaWeekly, 12/07/98.
- Still Awaiting Print Technology Dividend, eMediaWeekly, 11/02/98.
- Managing Mixed Platforms, Printing Impressions, November 1998.
- Printing in the Era of the Internet, eMediaWeekly, 10/05/98.
- Where are We Going on the Web?, Printing Impressions, September 1998.
- Adobe’s PDF: What’s all the Fuss and Bother?, eMediaWeekly, 9/9/98.
- The PDF Files: Workflows that Work, Digital Production Executive, June, 1998.
- Digital Printing: Are You Making Money?, Printing Impressions, June 1998.
- What’s Holding Up Variable Data Printing?, The Eagle, Q2/’98.
- HDIA: New Name, New Concerns, Printing Impressions, April 1998.
- (with Craig Cline) Internet Showcase ’98: Tasting the Future at the Smorgasbord of Demos, The Seybold Report on Internet Publishing, Vol. 2, No. 7 (March, 1998)
- New Year New Media Trends, Printing Impressions, February 1998.
- Asset Management, Digital Production Executive, December 1997.
- PDF’s Prepress Popularity Takes Off, Printing Impressions, November 1997.
- Switching Channels for Survival, Printing Impressions, September 1997.
- Technology’s Edge: New Tools and PDF, The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems, Vol. 26, No. 14 (April 14, 1997).
- Preflight Checking, Part II, The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems
- The Benefits of One-to-One Marketing, Printing Impressions, March 1997.
- The Flexible Option, Publish, February, 1997.
- Color Management Today, Part 3 , The Future Image Report, Volume 4, Issue 8 (January/February 1997).
- Ruminations on My First Time, Printing Impressions, January 1997.
- Preflight Testing of PostScript Files: Tools for Aiding Production Workflow, The Seybold Report on Publishing Systems, Vol. 26, No. 8 (December 30, 1996)
- Oracle, Quark: Unlikely Bedfellows for E-Commerce, The Seybold Report on Internet Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 3 (November, 1996)
- Color Management Today, Part 2, The Future Image Report, Volume 4, Issue 5 (November ’96).
- Progress in the Preflight Process, Printing Impressions, November 1996.
- Defining the Elephant, The Bulletin: Seybold News and Views on Electronic Publishing, October 30, 1996.
- Old-Fashioned Short-Run Printing , Printing Impressions, September 1996.
- Process Color on the Desktop, Quick Printing, August, 1996.
- Distributed Printing Still Waiting for Takeoff, Publish, August, 1996.
- Color Management Today, Part 1, The Future Image Report, Volume 4, Issue 2 (July ’96).
- Understanding Value on the Web, Printing Impressions, June 1996.
- The Many Sides of Print on Demand, BlueLine, Spring, 1996
- Exploring the Depths of New Media, Printing Impressions, April 1996.
- Contemplating Multimedia, Printing Impressions, September 1995.
- Print That! Commercial printing showing signs of becoming the first casualties of interactive media, Digital Media, August, 1995.
- Shaping the Future, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), July/August 1995.
- The Long-term Effect of Short Runs, Printing Impressions, May 1995.
- The Real Market for Color Publishing, Printing Impressions, March 1995.
- All the News Fit for Prepress, Printing Impressions, January 1995.
- Trade Customs for a Digital World , Printing Impressions, November 1994.
- Small Printers Face the DTP Challenge, Printing Impressions, September 1994.
- PINC Group Develops Trade Guidelines for Digital Files, BlueLine, Fall 1994.
- Estimating and Pricing DTP, Printing Impressions, April 1994.
- Waiting for the Digital Future, Printing Impressions, February 1994.
- Will Microsoft Own It All?, The Future Image Report, Vol. 1, Issue 7 (Jan ’94).
- (with Bruce Fraser and Rudolph Burger) Testing Color Management Technology, Color Publishing, November/December 1993.
- The Pros and Cons of Photo CD, Printing Impressions, November 1993.
- DTP Scanning Software: A Comprison, Pre-, October 1993.
- CD or Not CD: That is the Question, Printing Impressions, September 1993.
- Has Desktop Color Finally Caught the High End?, EC&I, September, 1993.
- Making Sense of Color Management Systems, Publish, August, 1993.
- Obscure Rituals of Photography, Geist, Volume 2, Number 10, July-August, 1993
- Can Color Management Solve Desktop Color?, Decisions (EPS Section of PIA), Second Quarter, 1993.
- The Next Stage in Image Correction, Printing Impressions, May 1993.
- Lessons from the Last War, The Future Image Report, Vol. 1, Issue 1 (April ’93).
- At Your Service, Publish, May 1993.
- The Good Old Days that Never Were, Printing Impressions, March 1993.
- Getting the Most from PostScript, Printing Impressions, January 1993.
- Testing New Technologies, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), Nov./Dec. 1992.
- (with Henry Eakland) Color Management Systems, Pre-, November 1992.
- Six Clues to the Future: Trends in Desktop Color Prepublishing, Concepts Special Report #2, (Fall) 1992.
- Estimating PostScript Prepress, Timeout (The Newsletter of the AISB), September/October 1992.
- Storm Warning, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), September/October 1992.
- Planning Pages for the Press, Publish, October 1992.
- Real Color Comes to the Desktop, Printing Impressions, September 1992.
- How to Buy a Desktop Publishing System, Business Management Advisory (Printing Industries of America), September 1992.
- Cachet: Color for the Rest of Us, Publish, August 1992.
- Printers Turn to Desktop, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), July/August 1992.
- Pricing in the PostScript Age, EC & I (Electronic Composition and Imaging), June/July, 1992
- Power of the Press (Heidelberg’s GTO-DI), Mac Publishing & Presentations, May June 1992
- The Union’s Desktop Resistance, Printing Impressions, May 1992.
- Seminars Address Issue of Marketing Desktop Services, The Typographer, April 1992.
- Color Connections 3, The Quality Control Scanner, Volume 12, Number 3 (April 1992).
- Digital Prepress Tools, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), March/April 1992.
- Guide to Desktop Publishing in Color, Technology Trends Advisory (Printing Industries of America), March 1992.
- Chronicling the DTP Revolution, Printing Impressions, March 1992.
- Color on the Desktop: The Progress to Date, Graphic Exchange, February, 1992.
- Desktop & the Color Tradeshop, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA) Jan./Feb. 1992.
- A Case of Burn-Out, Desktop Communications, January/February 1992.
- Paul Brainerd Shares his Experiences with AISB, Pre-, January/February 1992.
- DTP to Become a Printer’s Staple, Printing Impressions, January 1992.
- Talking to Printers about Desktop Publishing, PrintAction, December, 1991.
- Prepress Technologies: Fin de Siècle, Desktop Communications, November/December 1991.
- Associations Diversify with Industry, Printing Impressions, November 1991.
- PostScript: Estimating Output Time, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), September/ October 1991
- (with Miles Southworth) Understanding Color Prepress, Pre-, September 1991.
- (with Miles Southworth) Training for the New World of Color, Pre-, September 1991.
- Color Prepress Technology, Timeout (The Newsletter of the AISB), Summer, 1991.
- The New Language of Color Prepress, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), July/August 1991.
- Training for Color, Desktop Communications, July/August 1991.
- Frontiers: Color Space, Screen Angles, Printing Impressions, May 1991.
- The Trouble with Laser Prep, Timeout (Newsletter of the AISB), Spring, 1991.
- Desktop Decisions, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), May/June 1991.
- Where’s it all Going?, Desktop Communications, May/June 1991.
- New Tools make the Color Connection, PrintAction, May, 1991.
- Warning: Quicksand Ahead, Proceed Cautiously, Pre-, May 1991.
- Mastering Electronic Prepress, Pre-, May 1991.
- Seybold Seminars ’91, The Quality Control Scanner, Volume 11, Number 4 (April 1991).
- Color DTP: Nothing But the Facts, Printing Impressions, March 1991.
- Desktop Publishing: What are You Going to do About It?, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), March/April 1991.
- Looking at Pictures, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), January/February 1991.
- Membership Has its Advantages, Pre-, January 1991.
- Thinking in Color (profile of DX Imaging), appearing in Publishing 2000, published by Xerox Corporation, 1991.
- Corporate Coupling Breeds Change, Printing Impressions, January 1991.
- Desktop-to-Prepress Links, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), November/December 1990.
- Newsletter Focuses on Prepress Issues, Pre-, November 1990.
- Journal Answers Hackers Plea, Printing Impressions, November 1990.
- The New Service Bureau, The Prepress Bulletin (IPA), September/October 1990.
- Show Preview: Seybold Conference, Pre-, September 1990.
- Grandiose Claims Plague DTP, Printing Impressions, September 1990.
- Reality Check, PrintAction, September, 1990.
- Computers and Color, Quick Printing, September 1990.
- Color Prepress Options Multiply at DRUPA, BlueLine (PINC), Summer 1990.
- Revelations on Making it Work, Pre-, July 1990.
- It’s Your Deal, Quick Printing, July 1990.
- Beyond the Hoopla, Pre-, July 1990.
- Prepress at DRUPA: More Imitation than Innovation?, PrintAction, June 1990.
- The Evangelist of Desktop Publishing, Small Press, June 1990.
- Defining the New Service Bureau, Pre-, May 1990.
- Conference: Hype or Quality?, Printing Impressions, May 1990.
- Desktop Publishing: A Not-so-Secret Weapon for Quick Printers, QP Today, Spring 1990.
- DTP Demands New Approaches, Printing Impressions, March 1990.
- The New Role of the Printer, PrintAction, March 1990.
- Terry Satterthwaite Moves On, Pre-, March 1990.
- The Link to Prepress, Pre-, March-April 1990.
- The Changing World of the Service Bureau, Newsline (NCPA), March 1990.
- IBM & Mac — Twin Towers of Desktop Publishing, Desktop Publisher, March 1990.
- The Changing Role of the Service Bureau, EC & I (Electronic Composition and Imaging), February/March 1990.
- Skills and Training: Desktop Publishing’s Secret Ingredient , PrintAction, Feb. 19, 1990.
- Service Bureaus are in a State of Transition, Pre-, January-February 1990.
- The Evolution of Imagesetters, Pre-, January 1990.
- How to Get Started in DTP, Printing Impressions, January 1990.
- The Big Desktop Publishing Issues for Printers, PrintAction, January 1990.
- Color Publishing — It’s not all Black and White, Desktop Publishing Buyer’s Guide and Handbook, Volume VIII, Issue 9 (1990).
- The Mac Versus IBM Debate Rages On, NADP Journal, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1990.
- Desktop Publishing: A Primer for Printers, PrintAction, December 1989.
- Desktop Dilemma: IBM vs. Mac, Printing Impressions, November 1989.
- Buying a Laser Printer, Quick Printing, June 1989.
- Recall the Tortoise and the Hare, Printing Impressions, May 1989.
- Macintosh, IBM, or Both?, Quick Printing, April 1989.
- Desktop Publishing: Taking Quick Printers into the Future, Print & Graphics, April 1989
- At Seybold Seminars, Color Prepress is Vendors’ Battlecry, Print & Graphics, April 1989
- Desktop Choices, Quick Printing, March 1989.
- Disk Conversion to Fax: Other Aspects of DTP, Copy, February 1989.
- Filling in the Forms, Personal Publishing, February 1989.