May 25th, 2024
When I first heard about AI detection for text or images, I thought, yeah, sure, that makes sense. Lots of people are freaking out about whether there’s AI even in the same room, so odor detectors might have to be installed. I didn’t give it much more thought. I was already subscribing to Ethan Mollick’s…
October 16th, 2022
My news story about has just been published in Publishers Weekly (PW), in the weekly print edition and online. It was prompted by the news that Ingram has made an investment in the company, and anything that Ingram invests in is going to draw the publishing industry’s attention. (And now, a day after this…
October 3rd, 2021
This is a select guide to books about book publishing, the catalog of someone who loves publishing and is on a never-ending quest to better understand how it works.
May 23rd, 2021
This blog post is a love song to backlist books. Confined to the shadows beneath the bright light of publisher frontlists, these books are too often neglected. But there are many gems on the backlist: books with proven potential and solid profit margins. Eat your veggies: every publisher knows that focusing attention on the backlist…
May 31st, 2020
The most vexing challenge in digital marketing for publishing is, without question, developing a strategy for Google search; how to be discovered on Google. It’s quite different from an Amazon discovery strategy. But it’s core to an author’s and a publisher’s overall strategy for metadata deployment. I’ll explain more as we proceed. This post considers…