New Book: The AI Revolution in Book Publishing

May 25th, 2024

The AI Revolution in Book Publishing
A Concise Guide to Navigating Artificial Intelligence for Writers and Publishers

Order the book here or on Amazon.

Are you feeling left out of the conversation about book publishing, authoring and artificial intelligence? Most publishers and authors are — it’s not just you. The AI Revolution in Book Publishing will bring you into the conversation, gently, and slowly, telling you only what you need to know.

The AI Revolution in Book Publishing is the first book to look deep inside artificial intelligence specifically as it impacts authors and book publishers. It’s concise and direct — only what you need to know.

My goal for readers is that, by the end of this book, they’ll feel enabled to join the AI conversation, to express an informed opinion, that they’ll feel equipped to make personal choices around the technology, and have a path to learn how to use AI, if they choose to do so.

I don’t want to inundate readers with lots of blah-blah about the underpinnings of AI technology — I don’t talk much about AI in the abstract. I want instead to give you a solid grounding in AI for book authoring and publishing. 

A New Kind of Publishing Platform

Not many readers are familiar with Leanpub — a platform optimized for work in progress. Their motto is “PUBLISH EARLY, PUBLISH OFTEN.”

My book is now widely available on all the standard online platforms, in a print version and an ebook.

Leanpub used AI to translate the book into 31 languages, simultaneously.

The English-language EPUB is fully accessible. There is also a free online version.

The current standard in the book publishing industry at launch is, many months after completed manuscript:

  1. Print book
  2. EPUB ebook (that is probably not compliant with accessibility standards).
  3. An audiobook in English

My simultaneous release list includes:

  1. Print book
  2. EPUB ebook (fully compliant with accessibility standards)
  3. PDF ebook (fully compliant with accessibility standards)
  4. Online web version
  5. 31 other languages in EPUB and PDF (although not accessibility-compliant)
  6. Audiobook in 3 English dialects and 3 other languages
  7. Verbose ONIX metadata to accompany the book
  8. Video excerpts from the book

This has literally never been done in book publishing (or if it has, they’ve been very secretive about it). It radically widens the market for self-publishers — giving us advantages over commercial publishers (who are going to take years to become this adept with this many formats). It reconfigures the whole foreign-language rights market. (If a foreign publisher is enthused enough to propose creating their own edition, you can just pull your version off sale.)

And (almost) none of this would be even remotely possible without AI.

It’s a brave new world!

Order the book here or on Amazon.