September 22nd, 2008
I just received an email from Adobe’s PR agency as follows:
Hello –
Due to sources leaking Adobe Creative Suite 4 news prior to the previously set NDA date of 12:01 ET tonight, the NDA is now lifted effective immediately. Please feel free to post your coverage on CS4 and any of the related point products. Please let us know of any questions.
So I’m checking out some of those folks who just broke their contract with Adobe.
Apple Insider is declaring that the release is “Nothing Revolutionary.”
The Wall Street Journal has a small piece about tomorrow’s unveiling which reveals few details of the product.
I’m on page 6 of googling the topic and find only entries that either refer to Apple Insider or just mention that it will be unveiled tomorrow. In the “News” section on Google is a not very informative piece by CNET. I just can’t find anything that would cause Adobe to issue this supposedly alarming statement.
I’ll be posting a full review shortly, and as I intimated in yesterday’s blog entry, I think CS4 is big news. But with 16 different software programs in the combined suite it’s very complex to explain exactly why this is so. I’m going to make a measured evaluation and report back. Stay (patiently) tuned please.